- Trick-or-Treat in a Monster Neighborhood @12321studio or @fedele.ela

- The Werewolf's Transformation @12321studio or @fedele.ela

- Ghostly Carnival @12321studio or @fedele.ela

- Witch's Kitchen of Enchantment @12321studio or @fedele.ela

- The Day of the Dead Celebration @12321studio or @fedele.ela

Ok!! Those are all the prompts I can think of at the moment 🤷🏻‍♀️ Excited to see you draw any of these in October 🎉 I have been drawing (not everyday) also haven’t finished anything I’ve started so I haven’t been sharing either.

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Zombie Costume Contest @12321studio or @fedele.ela

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The candy goblins lair @12321studio or @fedele.ela

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The friendly ghost and its pet @12321studio or @fedele.ela

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Cool stuff

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Yay! I’m ready.

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