Hell yes inner teenager!! I love that you mentioned inner adult too. Some of us had to let the inner adult take over when we were so young that all we know is “be responsible.” Suddenly we find ourselves middle aged and completely clueless as to how to be a little kid or a teenager... totally freaked to let either of them set a finger on the wheel. But, really, what could happen? How terrible would it really be? (Asking for a friend 😏)
Man. This is another "YUP" post. I was definitely trying to access my younger "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" self when I was dealing with divorce. Cheers to leaving toxic relationships behind.
In high school I was under the radar, avoided social events for the most part except for the pep rallies during school. Never got my class ring, no senior pictures, no homecoming/prom etc. eff all that. Did go to graduation, but skipped out on the party to go see Batman Returns and hit up the arcade with my friends instead Yeah, my rebellious teen takes the wheel sometimes these days when adult me needs a break, and the inner child is only allowed in the passenger seat lol.
Hell yes inner teenager!! I love that you mentioned inner adult too. Some of us had to let the inner adult take over when we were so young that all we know is “be responsible.” Suddenly we find ourselves middle aged and completely clueless as to how to be a little kid or a teenager... totally freaked to let either of them set a finger on the wheel. But, really, what could happen? How terrible would it really be? (Asking for a friend 😏)
Man. This is another "YUP" post. I was definitely trying to access my younger "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" self when I was dealing with divorce. Cheers to leaving toxic relationships behind.
In high school I was under the radar, avoided social events for the most part except for the pep rallies during school. Never got my class ring, no senior pictures, no homecoming/prom etc. eff all that. Did go to graduation, but skipped out on the party to go see Batman Returns and hit up the arcade with my friends instead Yeah, my rebellious teen takes the wheel sometimes these days when adult me needs a break, and the inner child is only allowed in the passenger seat lol.