Wow, posts like this have been showing up in my life over the past few weeks. I also feel like it isn’t just coincidence. This was a good one. Thanks for writing this!

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I went through the same thing this week after hearing about Pacheco, Kevin O’Neill, and Kevin Conroy passing. I find myself getting down on all the things I haven’t done yet while forgetting all the great things I’ve already done and continue to do. Glad you were able to push through it. 🤘🏻

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Thanks Chris!

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022Liked by D.J. Coffman

Gotta feel lucky to be alive each day, DJ. All of us. Ah man, I was doing laundry on Friday when I heard about Kevin Conroy, and I was still reeling from Carlos Pacheco’s passing on Wednesday. Felt like that high from completing Promptober was gone in an instant with both of these deaths. I didn’t feel much like drawing but I did, and wound up drawing a quick tribute in Kevin’s memory which I shared on social media. Whenever I get bummed, or have a lot on my mind I go out for a drive. But I haven’t been able to for almost a month now since my car has been at the mechanic with a mystery problem. So I’m having to just take a walk around the neighborhood but it’s just not the same lol. Besides I need my car to get around and continue my job searching, gotta pay the bills!

I was also working on my comic story, but after I got pneumonia in late August I stopped and just did a few sketches here and there while recovering. Then I had a series of medical appointments and tests to make sure I was ok. All good for now, thankfully. It’s been now almost three months now since I did anything with my comic, and I went over what I did, and I gotta tell you after having worked on some forty pages inked, colored etc I had a split second thought where I just wanted to toss it all. Straight garbage this is, I thought. Can’t tell you how many times this had entered my mind since starting it. And each time I have to tell myself it doesn’t matter, just push through. It’s hard man, so I’m going to go back and pick up where I left off back in August. Glad you were able to overcome those thoughts, but you’re juggling a lot. That’s huge.

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Thanks Andre! Hope your month turns around!!!

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Thanks, DJ! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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In July last year, I started on Lou Gehrig’s disease TREATMENT PROTOCOL from Health Natural Centre (ww w. healthnaturalcentre. org). One month into the treatment, I made a significant recovery. After I completed the recommended treatment, almost all my symptoms were gone, great improvement with my movement and balance. Its been a year, life has been amazing

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