Jun 1, 2022Liked by D.J. Coffman

This was super deep and I appreciate it entirely, I too have had a really rough week, but mine was more so mentally... I'm a relatively new artist that is trying to stay consistent, not burn out, finish college (2 summer classes now then 2 next semester and I'm done!), work a full time job getting paid crap... hot crap... balance social life, and etc but I just felt like the world/time was moving faster than I could handle and I didn't feel like I was getting anything done which sent me in a spiral of imposter syndrome and made me question if I'm being too much of a dreamer and need to switch into something that isn't art and that thought alone is heartbreaking for me and I try to get it out of my head but it creeps back randomly and cripples me long story short, but your read was mentally comforting for me to know that other people experience similar times of disarray even if its not the same exact thing as me just reading that you must look within to rightfully deal with blocks or problems. Thanks man your prompts and reads are amazing and I'm very grateful you share them

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Thanks Brenden! Sounds like you’re plenty busy too. You just got to hold fast my friend!

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May 29, 2022Liked by D.J. Coffman

So, remember I talked about your success? Remember I talked about how life interrupts your process? YOU CAN'T BEAT YOURSELF UP BECAUSE OF THAT. My job, I work in retail, can be a beast at times, especially from Thanksgiving to New Year's. Very busy, come home from work beat, tired, and I catch a nap. When I get up, it's usually dinner time, eat, do the dishes, and by the time I'm done it's 8 pm. Can't really get into something because I hit the sack around 9:30pm because I have to get up at 3am for work. Start again. Do I feel frustrated because I didn't draw that day? Yep. Can't help it. BUT, you can try to turn that little nagging voice off in your head that keeps telling you, if you didn't draw yesterday, you're losing ground. YOU'RE NOT. We are our worst critics and we beat ourselves up way TOO MUCH. You can help yourself to realize, that if you didn't have a job, you wouldn't be able anything, let alone what you love to do, which is create and draw. My job provides me and my family a living, IT'S NOT MY LIFE. My life is my art and if there's times I can't draw because of limited amount of time, I sometimes pull out a few sketchbooks of my favorite artists' and browse thru them. Or read a book. I have to accept the fact that today wasn't an art day and tomorrow will be. But, If it isn't, I have to learn to chill because maybe life is telling me to relax and recharge. I have to accept that and also do my best to turn the nagging voice off because it isn't right. It preys on our fear of not having accomplished a goal or goals we set for ourselves. Learn to adapt and improvise and if it helps you do one little piece of art, then, you've won. And the voice was WRONG. You know you can do it, sometimes it just takes more time. Stay strong my friend.

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Thanks Tom!!! You're 1000% right!

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May 29, 2022Liked by D.J. Coffman

Sooo timely. I hope this week meets you on more friendly terms (and I’m giving your wife mental high fives for speaking truth).

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I'm sure she'd appreciate that, Danielle! Thanks for reading and posting!

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