When Holidays are Hard: Gratitude Edition
Holiday time can be hard for so many out there, especially artists. Our imaginations can get the best of us.
Holiday times can be hard for so many out there, especially artists.
Our imaginations can get the best of us.
Whatever situation you may currently find yourself in, bad or good, I hope you stay grounded and be thankful for the little things first. I know how hard it can be. You simply MUST push through.
One of my favorite artists, Larry Hama posted this to Facebook:
This made me reflect on my own Thanksgivings past.
I’ve had some that were very alone. Where I felt forgotten. Those were tough.
I’ve had many filled with family and love. That I maybe took for granted now looking back…
Sometimes I was invited in, so I wouldn’t be alone. And I felt like the outsider or a charity case. The starving artist?
As a child that came form dysfunction, I think it was hard for me to feel loved by strangers, or accept handouts. Especially on holidays. I know that probably sounds super weird to some. But it is how it is for many. If you do know what I mean, just know it’s a process you have to get through over time.
Gratitude, Every Day.
For the past decade or so, I practice gratitude every day.
I’m so thankful for even the smallest things. Waking up. Being able to feel my legs. My hands work! I have all the essential things. Even though I was a child of dysfunction born into a pretty poor family? I also know now I was born pretty privileged as white male American.
Not all of our struggles are equal. I try to have empathy for everyone’s paths now.
Even those I do not agree with. I try to understand where they are coming from and why.
While things are not “perfect”, and we all sometimes get sucked in to hard feelings and hard times…. I keep centering myself and remember these small things.
And I promise, if you focus on the small things? It adds up to BIG things.
If you’re reading this, I’m so thankful you’re here.
I hope you’re expressing yourself every day, in some way, and hopefully it’s drawing!
Remember… even just a few minutes a day, a scribble, a doodle…. it makes a big difference for artists.
If you’re in a tough place…
If you feel like you’re spiraling, or stuck, or have no one to talk to, talk to me. Send me a DM, or email dj@drawordieclub.com or ally@drawordieclub.com to just vent it out. I may not have answers for you, maybe I can point you in the right direction. Sometimes just TALKING or writing things out can release them, and re-center yourself.
And if you’re in a REALLY bad way, you can always dial 988 to talk to a pro stranger and get some help.
Listen, to put it blunty? Don’t be harming yourself or others. Okay? Things WILL get better. This too shall pass! hold fast!
Stay thankful. Stay Lucky.
Grateful every day I wake up alive, and glad and grateful that I found this site which has added more of a spark to my creative side, and for making new art friends on social media. Thanks DJ and Ally, hope you have a great Thanksgiving day with your families and loved ones. Same goes for everyone who’s reading this. Gobble gobble!