025: When Artists Tear Each Other Down
Wherein we discuss how only the MOUSE wins when we fight each other.
Quick reminder, check out PROPSTOBER, it will be our first campaign to help support and encourage other artists out there during the month of October drawing challenges!
And then… PROMPTS-TOBER is coming! Our very own Draw-or-Die October drawing list. I will send a separate e-mail about this topic. Stay tuned!
Only the Mouse Wins
This week in the “comic industry news”, I was disheartened to read of an older male artist who had success in the past dragging down a “new” up and coming female artist. They both have published work at Marvel. Going as far as to rant and rave, claiming he owned the comic industry and she hadn’t paid her dues. That she only got work because she “shakes her ass” or is beautiful.
Okay, beyond the obvious wrongness of that, calling her a “new” is also an insult because she’s been at this game for 17 years. That’s not nothing. That’s not new.
I don’t want to call out their names or call too much more attention to this drama.
I wanted to mention this because it strikes right at the heart of what DRAW or DIE is all about.
The truth is, these “careers” in comics or other industries are mostly fleeting. They are all fighting over crumbs.
There are four characters in this story:
#1 The Bitter Old Pro, who used to be “big”. His art is still great, but he can’t seem to keep it together or get steady work. He didn’t fulfill a kickstarter years ago and can’t seem to finish what he starts, which probably leads to not getting work. But he perceives in his own mind that he is black-balled. From what I understand, he’s also dealing with some mental health issues. And now his ego has lashed out at someone else over jealousy. That this other artist he perceives as “new”, doesn’t deserve her time in the spotlight. That she somehow took a shortcut. A reminder that EGO is the enemy.
#2 The Newcomer, but she’s not “new” at all. Maybe only new to the mainstream. As her art is amazing, she landed some high profile jobs at Marvel and really seems to be having fun and enjoying her career. Then along comes Bitter Old Pro punching down at her. And it’s natural to want to defend yourself. To punch and push back. And now her name is in the mud. And how must that feel? That you’re doing your thing and getting some success and an old pro comes in and bashes you. It’s hurtful.
It could make any artist curl up and run away, or give in to the imposter syndrome we all feel. It’s a truly terrible thing.
#3 OTHER ARTISTS, I’m in this camp. And I’m sorry to drag you into this mud too. I saw many other artists posting in the comments, mostly against that guy, but some egging him on. I saw then “the comic book news” chattering about this. It’s a train wreck and nobody can look away, and now everyone has an opinion. And all along I’m thinking…. “this is terrible. I should stop reading any of this.”
#4 The Giant Mouse. The connection between these two artists is that they both have published work at Marvel (owned by Disney.) One is washed up and can’t get work there anymore, and upset about this other artist getting her payday.
Thing is, they’re fighting with each other over crumbs, while the Giant Mouse casually walks away with all the cheese.
The Giant Mouse does not care about any of you, your future, your physical or mental health. It only cares that it gets all the cheddar. And that there will always new little mice waiting in line for the crumbs.
In addition to that drama… there was another sad story this week about another old pro…
A former HULK artist and Image Comics star, he’s older now, was on a livestream drunk and ranting about how Marvel was ruining the HULK.
How he was the greatest HULK artist and HULK fan in history. Fans and other artists egging him on in the stream. And then he passed out on his livestream and slept for 4 hours live. No kidding.

And those are just the stories you hear or see about. There are many, many more stories you will never hear. Maybe only after hours at the comicon.
That’s the “future” everyone is struggling to get to? That’s stupid. And that’s dangerous.
Artists Should Support Artists
The real lessons here, underneath all that drama, is that pursuing ANY career in the arts is a treacherous journey. The majority of you will not find much support from your family, your friends. So as Artists… we need to support each other. Celebrate each others wins. Lift up. Don’t tear down.
That’s the spirit I have here with Draw or Die. And that’s also what we’re pouring into PROPSTOBER. I hope you pitch in!
I thought it was fitting that this week’s prompt be a GIANT MOUSE. However you wish. There’s mine.
And here’s a look at last week’s daily prompts. It was an “strange anima” themed week.
Don’t forget we have Daily Drawing Prompts to keep your pencil moving and keep your mind sharp! Try it for free!
Stay encouraged!!! Back to the drawing board!
👁 Connect with me elsewhere? I’m @djcoffman on Instagram / TikTok / Twitter
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Wow! I just read up on the second story about the artist on his YouTube channel. Jeez, that’s just crazy. I believe that constructive criticism is important, helping a fellow artist improve their skills, yes complimenting them on their work (strengths) helps. All of it. Why kick someone down just because their work isn’t as good as yours? That’s being a jerk, and no different from a schoolyard bully. I get likes from all kinds of artists on Instagram and some are waaaay better than me, while others are definitely younger and just starting out. I leave them comments thanking them for the likes and complimenting them on their work. Doesn’t take much. To some it means the world.
As for the big mouse, I refer to it as the big rat bastard. There’s a drawing online that’s either R. Crumb, or a similar style that perfectly illustrates what that company has become. Not gonna lie, I love Marvel, and some of what the mouse has done with the properties they have bought. It’s a love hate thing I have with them.