Welcome to week 22 of the Draw or Die newsletter for Visual Storytellers. This week I want to revisit the topic of “Artist Block” and how you can overcome that…
Many of our over 1500 list members came from the “Defeat The Funk” course, which was essentially 3 exercises designed to help artists break through art block, self doubt and creative depression.
It’s really the heart and soul of the Draw or Die brand.
As I mention in that series, even if you’re suddenly feeling fantastic and energized again, it’s only a matter of time before that “funk” is going to sneak back in. This happens to artists even at the top of their game.
When that feeling sneaks back in, it can have a way of putting artist’s into self-destruct mode. The “why even bother” feeling especially.
When this feeling does creep back in, it’s important to remember the three key exercises that will help you get back into right frame of mind again. Back into the zone.
Scribble Challenge. “Sapare Vedere” Just get your pencil and imagination moving again.
Remember WHY you started in the first place. Remember your moment.
Storytelling. Step-by-step. One panel at a time. Think big, start small.
Last week was really tough for me…
My day job work really seemed to take over my waking hours. While I do enjoy the work, in the evenings I felt that feeling of “why am I even bothering?” creeping back in when it came to working on my own projects.
I had been working quietly behind the scenes re-recording and editing the 3 videos for Defeat the Funk to put out on Youtube. I felt behind schedule and I almost called it quits, literally hearing myself think “why even bother finishing this? Nobody is going to care about this…”
But I know that’s wrong. That voice lies. I know it’s wrong because I’ve heard from so many of you who it has helped. And that reminded me why I started this whole journey in the first place.
Beyond getting the videos done and uploaded, I didn’t get around to much more art. Only some minor layouts for a new project (more on that in a second) - I was beating myself up that I didn’t have the time or willpower to make reels or new content for my instagram and tiktok…
But I reminded myself again, THAT is not why I do this. It’s not to grow my instagram or tiktok. Or be a Youtube star. And seriously, f%ck fame, f%ck fortune and glory.
I’m a storyteller.
I tell stories with pictures.
And so do you.
It is not the easiest path to take in life. You’ll get very little respect, and very money, if you stay lucky. That’s not to get doom and gloom here, just the opposite. A reminder that, as artists, we’re all in this TOGETHER.
That’s why I write these every week. That’s why I encourage others to draw every damn day. Defeat your creative depression, and STAY ENCOURAGED. That’s what I’m here for.
That said, I finished and re-recorded the “DEFEAT THE FUNK” videos and put it on Youtube as a series. I’d love to know what you think.
I’m proud of them. I also got to learn a bit more video editing along the way. I hope they reach whoever needs it, and it’s a reminder that when you need it, you can listen in again. Jump in to the first video here.
Cash For Cartoonists: Making Children’s Books
Next week, I’m going to dive into the process of working on a Children’s Book project I signed on for locally. I’ll get into the weeds of the process from start to finish as I go, from contracts, payment and all that fun stuff. I think it might be interesting to show, and maybe inspire some of you to do this in your own backyards.
Opportunity is all around you, if you know where to look.
The weekly drawing prompt is VOLCANO. Drawn as you wish. Tag #drawordieclub if you post to social!
Don’t forget we have Daily Drawing Prompts to keep your pencil and mind moving. Try it for free.
Back to the drawing board!
👁 Connect with me elsewhere? I’m @djcoffman on Instagram / TikTok / Twitter
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